Music is dynamic...especially for a talented artiste. While most are comfortable sounding the same over the years...others can't help but reach further, try out new things, enhance their gift to the benefit of any who considers themselves fans of the art.
Ladies and gentlemen, Rockstar (uchie) returns with
"what can only be described as" an amazing track "FULL STOP"
If only it ended there but no that's not all...he features an equally amazing rapper (now known as) Ike-god.
If you have loved Nigerian music long enough, The voices will sound familiar. So, come this Friday July 8th 2016.
The new single "full-stop" by the artiste known as Rockstar" will stun you delightfully.
Do follow on all social media platforms
Instagram @uchierockstar
And do like the 'uchierockstar' page on Facebook.
Remember the date. Friday July 8th, 2016. Rockstar. Full Stop.